Publisher's Synopsis
Goldilocks is soon to be married. What could possibly go wrong?
Tragedy. When Bash's patience and tenderness don't break down her walls, she wonders if Patch's rough handling can free her mind and enable her to release her blinding resentment. As the burden of loss and guilt weighs heavily on Goldie's heart, an audacious ex attempts to step back in, determined to rekindle the past at any cost before Goldie and Bash exchange wedding bands and all they represent. More confused than ever, Goldilocks must confront all that torments her. "You can cry, scream, throw yourself on the floor. We won't judge you for it. We'll be here for you if you want us to help you be strong. Lean on us because we've got you." Truth is subjective. Forgiveness is a hard pill to swallow. Acceptance is damn near impossible...Does Patch mean what he says, or will he leave her, too? *DISCLAIMER: This romantic four-book series contains expIicit sexuaI situations including BDSM which might cause triggers to a more sensitive reader. All sexuaI activity is consensual and the characters are over the age of consent.