Publisher's Synopsis
Golden Dreams: Companion to Hellfires of Grief: Love Poems is a collection of 111 poems describing the golden dreams shared by Carol Susan and Carlos Eldon after the disembodiment of Carol Susan. Carol Susan reaches from beyond to share her golden healing energy. Carlos Eldon travels to the spirit realm to visit with his beloved in shared golden dreams. Golden Dreams is the counterpoint to Hellfires of Grief: Love Poems providing Carlos Eldon with the wonderful golden love of his celestial soulmatespiritmate. The poems are condensed from dream journals starting with the first golden dream of January 5, 2012 and continuing until the 111th golden dream of October 9, 2013. Not all the dreams are golden as some do not include Carol Susan's beautiful radiant golden celestial aura. The overall energy of Golden Dreams is golden providing a healing counterpoint to the intense darkness of Hellfires of Grief: Love Poems. The poems in Hellfires of Grief: Love Poems are lit by the black fires of the hell of loss and grief while Golden Dreams is illuminated by the celestial golden light of love. Shared golden dreams start the process of healing and provide a glimpse into the realm of spirit. Shared golden dreams spill into the waking time slowly transforming the grief dragon described in Hellfires of Grief: Love Poems which covers the first eighteen months of loss and grief. Hellfires of Grief II: More Love Poems is currently underway and summarizes the second eighteen months of loss, grief, and healing.Having a golden rainbow dragon mother goddess and angel as coauthor and muse is a wonderful experience paradoxically the disembodiment of Carol Susan is the worst experience. We have been blessed with shared golden dreams. Carol Susan and Carlos Eldon are pleased to share our healing golden dreams. It is our hope, wish, and intent that sharing our golden dreams will bring a measure of comfort and healing energy to all who read them. May you be blessed with golden dreams.