God is the God of Second Chances

God is the God of Second Chances

Paperback (20 Nov 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This book is written for those who do not believe in God because of something that happened to them, perhaps a long time ago.

It is written for those who prayed to God to heal their baby, child, teen, or a loved one - Unfortunately, instead of God answering your prayers for healing, it seemed that God healed somebody else instead.

Know this, there is a God and he loves you -- even if he doesn't answer your prayers to heal someone you love or know. It's not because of a lack of faith. Billy Graham, Pope John Paul ll, Mother Teresa, and others all got sick and were not healed and they died. It doesn't mean God loves you any less. We don't know why God will heal one person and not another. Only God can answer that question. He's the only one that can add more time to a persons life. So don't turn your back on God. Don't give up praying to God -- even if you have to pray to him for years. God will never abandon you. God's love for you is agape love -- unearned, underserved, and unconditional.

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My name is Glenn Jeffries, I was born and raised in The Irish Channel in New Orleans, Louisiana. I met my future wife at a prayer meeting when we went to the Life and the Spirit Seminar in 1981. One year later we got married. One year after that we had our one and only son Matthew which means a gift from God. We are celebrating 38 years of marriage in October. God bless me with a wonderful family. I pray to God to let us grow old together.

Book information

ISBN: 9781951497996
Publisher: Published by Parables
Imprint: Published by Parables
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 80
Weight: 118g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 4mm