Publisher's Synopsis
God in me is a book that will drive you to seek God more and more every day. until Jesus reveal Himself to you, this book will take you to a series of supernatural events that radically changed my life and how God became part of my daily life; the name of the title was taken from the book of Galatians in: (Galatians 1:24) And they glorified God in me. And it is my greatest desire that all people glorify God in your life and become the most important part of your daily life And to have a different lifestyle that you had before and you get renewed every day both in your mind and in your heart, by the power of God. And reach a state of perfection and holiness, so that you can see God, because the word of God says that no man shall see God without holiness (Hebrews 12:14) Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. I hope this book becomes a blessing to your life and make a positive change for the glory of God.