Publisher's Synopsis
Featuring 20% more content, including a new chapter, unlock your true potential with this tried-and-true productivity bestseller. Legendary time management and personal development expert Brian Tracy presents his simple, powerful, and effective system for setting and achieving goals. Each chapter introduces a principle key in reaching your goals, along with a toolkit full of both comprehensive insights and actionable steps. Using the twenty-two strategies Tracy outlines, you'll be able to accomplish any goal you set for yourself--no matter how big. You'll discover goal-setting strategies in various aspects of your life, including how to identify, clarify, and apply personal values in everyday actions; how to take charge of your money to achieve financial freedom; what it takes to overcome obstacles in your personal relationships; responding to challenges in your career; and how to stop holding yourself back with self-doubt and procrastination. Your time is important, so why not make the most of it? By following this time-tested and proven process you will not only reach your current goals, but also develop a lifelong growth mindset that will guide you towards a more successful future.