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Globalization, Migration, and Welfare State

Globalization, Migration, and Welfare State Understanding the Macroeconomic Trifecta

Hardback (26 Jan 2021)

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Paperback (27 Jan 2022) $148.95

Publisher's Synopsis

This book is about three key dimensions in economics-globalization, migration and the welfare state-that are of enduring interest. These issues are particularly important to consider at the present moment given the strains posed by the pandemic: there is at least a temporary setback to trade-globalization and migration, and the cost of fighting the pandemic will strain the ability of governments to provide welfare state services in a style and scope to which many of their citizens have become accustomed. The book explains the changing function of the welfare state in the presence of intensified globalization, or de-globalization, forces. The welfare state's policy-maker attitudes toward openness and migration depend on open-economy fundamentals, and the income class it represents. The author demonstrates the interactions between migration, globalization and macroeconomic policy in practice, using real-world unique episodes, with Israel deemed as well-functioning trifecta, and the US and Europe as imperfectly functioning trifecta. 

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Book information

ISBN: 9783030643911
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan
Pub date:
DEWEY: 330.126
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 243
Weight: 454g
Height: 210mm
Width: 148mm
Spine width: 14mm