Publisher's Synopsis
When your investment strategy includes cryptocurrency-mining socks and an app that plays "Amazing Grace" every time you tithe, you might need a financial reformation. Meet Gil, a London financial analyst whose confidence in his market-predicting algorithms is matched only by his ability to ignore his wife Barbara's sensible spreadsheets. After losing £70,000 on his latest venture (including a secret second mortgage), Gil finds himself at a crossroads: continue chasing the next big thing, or finally learn to trust what Barbara calls "God's math." Between failed product launches, hedge fund temptations, and a community centre that's teaching him more about returns than any trading algorithm ever could, Gil discovers that true wealth might have nothing to do with his portfolio. Set in London's bustling financial district, "Gil Does Better" combines wit and wisdom in a story about faith, finance, and finding out that sometimes the best investment strategy is letting go of your own. Features a cast of unforgettable characters including Barbara (the spreadsheet-wielding voice of reason), Sarah (an executive assistant whose grandmother's Bible holds more financial wisdom than any market forecast), and Pastor Bob (who knows a thing or two about failed financial tech ventures himself). Perfect for readers who enjoy Christian fiction with a healthy dose of humour, or anyone who's ever thought they were one clever investment away from solving all their problems. Warning: May contain references to blockchain-enabled footwear and other questionable financial innovations. "Gil Does Better" reminds us that sometimes God's economy works differently than ours - and that's exactly the point. Note: No actual socks were harmed in the making of this story, though several questionable financial decisions were thoroughly examined for your entertainment and education.