Ghost Trees

Paperback (10 Mar 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Even in the brick and concrete heart of our cities, nature finds a way. Birds and mammals, insects, plants and trees - they all manage to thrive in the urban jungle, and Bob Gilbert is their champion and their chronicler. He explores the hidden wildlife of the inner city and its edgelands, finding unexpected beauty in the cracks and crannies, and uncovering the deep and essential relationship that exists between people and nature when they are bound together in such close proximity. Beginning from Poplar, the East End area in which he lives, Bob explores, in particular, our relationship with the trees that have helped shape London; from the original wildwood through to the street trees of today. He draws from history and natural history, poetry and painting, myth and magic, and a great deal of walking, observing and listening. Beautifully written, passionate and defiant, Ghost Trees tells the secrets and stories of the urban wildscape, of glorious nature resilient and resurgent on our very doorsteps.

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We are a creative independent publisher striving to offer our readers something a little bit different. We love to read books that are imaginative, sometimes offbeat, always original, and we?re committed to working with the writers and designers who inspire us and thus, hopefully, our readers.

Book information

ISBN: 9781912235575
Publisher: Saraband
Imprint: Saraband
Pub date:
DEWEY: 635.977
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 350
Weight: 324g
Height: 192mm
Width: 132mm
Spine width: 29mm