Publisher's Synopsis
Robert's devotion to Geraldine, his beautiful young Form Mistress, is shaken when she refuses to rescue him from a caning. Once a model pupil, Robert becomes naughtiest boy in school, has many slipperings from sadistic new Headmistress, Mrs Denny, who believes that justice should be seen to be done. Robert's father finds out, buys cane, disciplines his son under Geraldine's direction. Parents need not observe same limits as teachers. When Geraldine becomes Robert's stepmother, she and Robert's father pull the boy's pants down, on separate occasions, beat him in front of class. Robert is regularly spanked at home and school by many, including fat, chain-smoking Mrs Parker, big sister Veronica, her friend Felicity, who finds Robert's backside cute. Loving but severe discipline from Geraldine influences Robert most; he comes to appreciate his stepmother's concern for his physical and moral welfare.