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George Gissing and the Woman Question

George Gissing and the Woman Question Convention and Dissent - The Nineteenth Century Series

1st edition

Paperback (12 Dec 2019)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Approaching its subject both contextually and comparatively, George Gissing and the Woman Question reads Gissing's novels, short stories and personal writings as a crux in European fiction's formulations of gender and sexuality. The collection places Gissing alongside nineteenth- and twentieth-century authors as diverse as Paul Bourget, Ella Hepworth Dixon, May Sinclair and Theodore Dreiser, theorizing the ways in which late-Victorian sexual difference is challenged, explored and performed in Gissing's work. In addition to analyzing the major novels, essays make a case for Gissing as a significant short story writer and address Gissing's own life and afterlife in ways that avoid biographical mimetics. The contributors also place Gissing's work in relation to discourses of subjectivity and intersubjectivity, identity, public space, class and labour, especially literary production. Increasingly viewed as a key chronicler of the late Victorian period's various redefinitions of sexual difference, Gissing is here recognized as a sincere, uncompromising chronicler of social change.

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Book information

ISBN: 9780367882242
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Imprint: Routledge
Pub date:
Edition: 1st edition
DEWEY: 823.8
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 232
Weight: 364g
Height: 156mm
Width: 231mm
Spine width: 21mm