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Garfield Fat Cat 3-Pack #7

Garfield Fat Cat 3-Pack #7 - Garfield

Paperback (24 Apr 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This uproarious collection includes three books in one: Garfield Hangs Out, Garfield Takes Up Space, and Garfield Says a Mouthful.
The tubby trickster is at it again, and the joke's always on Jon!
Over the years, Garfield's pulled some great stunts on his hapless-and helpless-owner: gluing the phone to Jon's ear; greasing the bottom of his shoes; and giving Jon a Mohawk while he slept (hey, you snooze, you lose!).
But it's all in fun. Deep down, Garfield knows he needs Jon. Who else is going to pay the pizza delivery guy?
Kick back, relax, and join the fat cat for an extra-large laughfest of hilarious high jinks!
The GARFIELD FAT CAT 3-PACK series collects the GARFIELD comic-strip compilation books in a new, full-color format. Garfield may have gone through a few changes, but one thing has stayed the same: his enormous appetite for food and fun. So enjoy some supersized laughs with the insatiable cat, because too much fun is never enough!

Book information

ISBN: 9780345525888
Publisher: Random House Worlds
Imprint: Random House Worlds
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 288
Weight: 748g
Height: 217mm
Width: 229mm
Spine width: 23mm