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Gardening Classes in Waldorf Schools

Gardening Classes in Waldorf Schools

Paperback (17 Sep 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Children need to experience nature, and gardening is a good way to encourage them to engage with the earth, plants and animals.

Gardening classes, as taught in Steiner-Waldorf schools from Class 6 to Class 10, help children develop many important skills, including sensory perception and motor skills, as well as an understanding of ecology and agriculture. How can such a complex subject be taught well and effectively?

In a clear structure -- which includes the history of school gardens, aspects of child development, and practical help on teaching methods, lesson planning for different age groups, and maintaining the garden itself -- Birte Kaufmann offers many useful tips and suggestions for new or developing gardening teachers.

About the Publisher

Floris Books

Book information

ISBN: 9781782502142
Publisher: Floris Books
Imprint: Floris Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 371.391
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 139
Weight: 416g
Height: 157mm
Width: 233mm
Spine width: 13mm