Garden Plants Valuable to Bees:

Garden Plants Valuable to Bees:

Paperback (25 Nov 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Most people are now aware that our insect population has come under severe pressure due to changes in their environment. This awareness is causing an increasing interest in what can be done to support our insect life for our own good. We are seeing a gradual change in agricultural & horticultural attitudes and practice that should contribute towards improvement in the general welfare of insects.

Gardeners also have a vital role to play.

Most environmentally engaged gardeners want more information about what to plant for the benefit of insects. The key objective is to create a steady supply of nectar and pollen throughout their active season. Extending the supply at both ends of the active season is more effective than in Spring. Everyone knows about the glut of insect food in April/May but not everyone is aware of the so-called "June Gap" when supplies often suddenly temporarily dip.

This book provides that information in a concise tabular form as it deals in turn with herbaceous plants, then annual and biannual plants, trees and finally shrubs. It is an essential guide for all environmentally interested gardeners.

Book information

ISBN: 9780860982876
Publisher: Ibra & Nbb
Imprint: Northern Bee Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 56
Weight: 112g
Height: 168mm
Width: 243mm
Spine width: 9mm