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GRE All the Quant

GRE All the Quant Effective Strategies & Practice from 99th Percentile Instructors - Manhattan Prep GRE Prep

6th ed.

Paperback (02 May 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Written by our 99th percentile GRE instructors, Manhattan Prep's GRE All the Quant features in-depth lessons covering the facts, rules, and strategies for every math question type and content area on the GRE.

This edition of GRE All the Quant has been reorganized to start you at the fundamentals and take you all the way through the hardest topics--start where you need and go as far as you need for your target score. We teach you not just the facts, formulas, and rules but also the strategies that will save you time and mental energy on the test--from estimation to testing cases to working backwards from the answers.

Each chapter provides comprehensive subject matter coverage with numerous examples and thorough explanations to help you build confidence and content mastery. Mixed drill sets help you develop accuracy and speed. Every lesson, problem, and explanation was written by a 99th-percentile GRE instructor--we know how to earn a great score and we know how to teach you to do the same.

Book information

ISBN: 9781506281780
Publisher: Manhattan Prep Publishing
Imprint: Manhattan Prep Publishing
Pub date:
Edition: 6th ed.
Language: English
Number of pages: 948
Weight: 1754g
Height: 219mm
Width: 282mm
Spine width: 54mm