Fundamentals of Taxation 2022

Fundamentals of Taxation 2022

15th Edition

Paperback (07 Feb 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Fundamentals of Taxation emphasizes a hands-on approach to tax education. It's a Taxation textbook designed to expose beginning tax students to tax law, but to also teach the practical intricacies involved in the preparation of tax forms and tax returns.

To train tomorrow's tax preparers to handle the complex U.S. tax law, the Fundamentals of Taxation author team has devised four primary teaching advantages:
1. Organized to closely follow the IRS tax forms. Actual tax forms are incorporated throughout the text, giving studentsthe opportunity to understand the principles behind tax law while they learn how to work with clients to obtain the
information they will need to complete tax forms.
2. Proper reporting of tax issues are illustrated. The authors present a tax issue, discuss the legal requirements, illustrate
the proper tax form placement, and show the completed form in the text, mixing practical and legal implications of
tax preparation.
3. Integration of an individual income tax software package (TaxACT).
4. The authors supplement the text with citations of relevant tax authorities, such as the Internal Revenue Code,
Treasury Regulations, Revenue Rulings, Revenue Procedures, and court cases.

Book information

ISBN: 9781264910298
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
Imprint: McGraw Hill
Pub date:
Edition: 15th Edition
DEWEY: 343.73052
DEWEY edition: 23
Weight: 1324g
Height: 272mm
Width: 206mm
Spine width: 27mm