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Friendly Guide to the New Testament

Friendly Guide to the New Testament - Friendly Guide

Paperback (25 Jun 2010)

  • $24.50
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Publisher's Synopsis

Fr Frank Moloney explores who wrote the New Testament, how it came down to us in its present form, what the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ meant for his followers, St Paul and the early Christians and how we can use the New Testament to deepen our faith. This book will help bring the richness of the Bible word into the lives of ordinary believers. Attractively presented with surprising gems, it is engaging and nurturing. Like all titles in the Friendly Guide series, this book is bursting with colour and creativity featuring photographs, icons, maps, charts, summary boxes and original artwork.

Book information

ISBN: 9781920721947
Publisher: John Garratt Publishing
Imprint: Garratt Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 66
Weight: 236g
Height: 295mm
Width: 210mm
Spine width: 5mm