Publisher's Synopsis
Be enveloped in the gentle and tender embrace of a loving God who longs for a restored relationship with his children.
What does confession mean?Why do I need forgiveness?
How can I reconcile a broken relationship? Whoever thought that confession could be about God confessing his love for us? In confession we are reconnected to the voice of God in our soul who whispers -- Do not be afraid. I have redeemed you. I have called you by your name. You are mine. You are precious in my eyes. Misplaced guilt and shame paralyze individuals, causing division, bitterness, and blame. God's love transforms our lives and affects our relationships with others. Father Farren's Irish storytelling background comes to the forefront as he writes simply but effectively, opening the door for people to be free to confess their need for God and experience his limitless forgiveness. Explore life-changing biblical insights about sin, confession, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Freedom and Forgiveness outlines God's true nature, explores spiritual graces, and promotes spiritual healing found in the sacrament of Reconciliation. "We all need God's mercy. Our God is unimaginable in patience and mercy. There is no limit to God's patience. There is nothing that can ever exhaust the divine well. It's never too late! This wonderful book on reconciliation helps keep us aware of that."-- Ronald Rolheiser