Publisher's Synopsis
This book investigates unexplored areas of Frank O'Connor's work; his achievements as a translator of Irish language poetry, his role in the debates on Irish literary modernism, his reception in America, his relationship with writers and intellectuals of the time, his autobiographical writings, his fictional representations of the Irish Civil War, and Denis Johnston's film adaptation of Guests of the Nation, are examined. The book also includes an original essay by Harriet O'Donovan Sheehy on life with the man and the writer. Contributors: Nicholas Allen (UNC), Terence Brown (TCD), Paul Delaney (TCD), Philip Edwards (U. Liverpool), Richard Evans (Auburn U., Montgomery), Maurice Harmon (UCD), Brendan Kennelly (TCD), John Kenny (NUIG), Declan Kiberd (UCD), Hilary Lennon (TCD), Emilie Pine (U. York), Ruth Sherry (Norwegian U. Trondheim), Michael Steinman (Nassau Community College, New York), Carol Taaffe (TCD), Alan Titley (St Pat's, DCU).