Publisher's Synopsis
CONCLUDING THE HEARTWARMING TALE OF TWO LOVERS BOUND TOGETHER DESPITE FORMIDABLE OPPOSITION FROM A SCORNFUL WOMAN FILLED WITH HATE AND WHO HAS REVENGE ON HER MIND. THE MOVING SERIES 'TIL THE END OF TIME' SPANS TWENTY-TWO YEARS AS TWO STARS OF THEATRE TREAD THE BOARDS ON STAGES ACROSS AUSTRALIA, ITALY & LONDON.UNTIL A MESMERISING CONCERT IN A MOONLIT PIAZZA IN TUSCANY AND A FATEFUL EVENT ON AN ITALIAN HILLSIDE...When the distressing conclusion to that New Year's Eve phone call shattered all of their dreams, Lara and Adam have to pick up the pieces of their lonely lives - his with a woman whose drunken rages almost destroyed his life ... hers to days sprinkled with a young child's laughter and nights spent tossing and turning in a lonely bed. Yet the same bond that brought them together on that darkened stage cannot be subdued. After agonising months of loneliness, the lovers find themselves once again drawn into a mesmerising symphony. Until the choices they make are put to the test once again when a heartfelt plea brings devastating consequences to those delicate silken images...'An epic love story that readers want to dive into...' Hannah Brown Gordon, New York Literary Agent'Fractured Symphony' continues the story that began in 'Silken Images' - a tale of love, loss and despair ... and a hope that never dies. Both titles are available from Amazon, other online outlets and selected bookshops.