Publisher's Synopsis
Born on 2 February, 1968, Bishop William Mandhlopa is the lastborn in a family of four. He did his primary school at Lukwelukwe Primary School in Mzimba District, secondary school at Liwaladzi Private Secondary School. He obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Mission at Global University in the USA and a Master of Arts in Christian Leadership from African Bible College. Bishop Mandhlopa is lecturer at Malawi Assemblies of God University. At the time of publishing this book, he is a Transformative Community Development PhD student at Mzuzu University. Reverend Fanny Thokozani Kasomekera on the other hand is an adjunct Lecturer at the Malawi Assemblies of God University. She holds a BA in Theology, an MA in Intercultural Studies, and she is a PhD student at the Malawi Assemblies of God University (MAGU).