Publisher's Synopsis
A complete package builds the knowledge base for future success!
For the first time, pair Foundation in Kinesiology and Biomechanics with the Digital Laboratory Manual, included free online with the purchase of new print text, to help you master this challenging but must-know content.
Here's the must-have knowledge of basic joint structure and muscle action and their normal and pathologic functions. You'll focus on the science behind muscle function and movement and how groups of muscle together can contribute to function or dysfunction. This evidence-based approach prepares you to explore the principles of rehabilitation that facilitate movement, strength, and mobility.
- A chapter organization that first focuses on typical or "normal" and then introduce the atypical or abnormal, building the knowledge base necessary to provide effective interventions
- Discussions of the concept of mal-alignment (postural deviations)
- Coverage of the anatomy of the musculoskeletal and neurological systems.
- Tables at the end of each chapter that describe the muscles surrounding the joint and their origins, insertions, and innervations
- "Clinical Connections" boxes describing a variety of injuries or conditions that can influence expected joint movement
- Case Study at the end of each chapter describing a person who has experienced injury to the body segment studied
- Discussion Questions
- Appendices that detail the muscles surrounding the joint and their attachments and innervations as well as a dermatome diagram of the specific area
Digital Laboratory Manual
This online, "hands-on" learning tool prepares you for lab; guides you through lab activities; and serves as an after-lab review. The manual engages students with interactive features that promote mastery and understanding.
- Before lab
- During lab
- After lab