

Paperback (03 Sep 2019)

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Paperback (08 Dec 2015) $26.93

Publisher's Synopsis

Everything about Fiona is forbidden.
She's a party girl with dark desires.
She's beautiful, irresponsible, irresistible.
She's my patient. A submissive. Already owned.
I'm her therapist.
I'm past wanting her. Past possessing her. Past bedding her or protecting her.
I'm willing to be self-destructive, negligent, brave, audacious, and stronger than I ever believed possible.
She's blunt force trauma to the heart.
And she calls another man Master.

Book information

ISBN: 9781942833697
Publisher: Flip City Media
Imprint: Flip City Media
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 490
Weight: 712g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 28mm