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Focus on Grammar 1 Student Book With MyEnglishLab

Focus on Grammar 1 Student Book With MyEnglishLab

4th edition

Paperback (16 Dec 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Building on the success of previous editions, Focus on Grammar 5th Edition continues to leverage its successful four-step approach that lets learners move from comprehension to communication within a clear and consistent structure. Centred on thematic instruction, Focus on Grammar combines comprehensive grammar coverage with abundant practice, critical thinking skills, and ongoing assessment, helping students communicate confidently, accurately, and fluently in everyday situations.

The 5th Edition continues to incorporate the findings of corpus linguistics in grammar notes, charts, and practice activities, while never losing sight of what is pedagogically sound and useful.

Book information

ISBN: 9780134119977
Publisher: Pearson Education Heg USA
Imprint: P.Ed USA ESL
Pub date:
Edition: 4th edition
Weight: 1g
Height: 11mm
Width: 9mm
Spine width: 1mm