Flood Management

Flood Management

Hardback (21 Jun 2019)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Flood is a natural hazard that occurs due to an overflow of water from rivers, oceans or lakes, or due to the accumulation of rainwater on saturated ground. It can potentially lead to a loss of life, cause damage to buildings and other infrastructure, damage power generation and transmission, cause diseases due to release of sewage, etc. Detection of flood can occur through remote sensing and Synthetic Aperture Radar images. Various flood control strategies can be implemented for managing these effects. Planting vegetation, terracing hillsides, constructing levees, dams, floodways, retention ponds, etc. are some ways to manage floods. This textbook is compiled in such a manner, that it will provide in-depth knowledge about the theory and practice of flood management. It unfolds the innovative aspects of this field, which will be crucial for the holistic understanding of the subject matter. This book, with its detailed analyses and data, will prove immensely beneficial to professionals and students involved in this area at various levels.

Book information

ISBN: 9781641720724
Publisher: Larsen and Keller Education
Imprint: Larsen and Keller Education
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 322
Weight: 776g
Height: 254mm
Width: 178mm
Spine width: 19mm