Publisher's Synopsis
As men, we are flawed. Our sin nature has marred us and keeps us at odds with our Heavenly Father. But when Jesus is Lord of our life, we do not have to live this way! This book examines five common issues men face today by studying the lives of five flawed men from Scripture. God was faithful to use these men despite their flaws. From their lives we learn that we, too, may be flawed, but in the power of Christ, we can become fruitful servants of the King!
RecommendationsOccasionally I run across a book that addresses life as it really is for Christian men. Rolland Kenneson's Flawed to Fruitful is one such book. It explores five major topics in the lives of five men of God: Moses and anger; Gideon and fear; David and lust; Elijah and depression; and Peter and inconsistency. Most men who read this book will feel like Kenneson has been reading their personal diary. And they will thank him for it. Written with clarity, simplicity, and most of all, biblical fidelity, it doesn't get any more practical than this. From the pen of an experienced pastor who knows himself, the Biblical characters he portrays, and the flaws of men, here is practical biblical wisdom to win the victory over our flaws. Once you start reading, you will have a hard time putting this book down. Highly recommended. Dr. David L. Allen, Founder of PreachingCoach, Distinguished Professor of Practical Theology, Dean, Adrian Rogers Center for Biblical Preaching, MId-America Baptist Theological Seminary, Cordova, TN Flawed to Fruitful is one of the strongest, most challenging, and most hopeful books I have ever read. It is Biblically and theologically rich, and yet intensely practical. ... I highly recommend spending time with this book and reflecting on your own relationship with God and His calling on your life. Tony Magar, Pastor, Calvary Fellowship Monument, Monument, CO Is a flawed man a failure? Do our flaws disqualify us from being fruitful? How can I move through and from my flaws to being fruitful and having an impact in this life in spite of my past? Rolland Kenneson's new book is a must read for any man wishing to move beyond his current state into a new dynamic dimension of impacting his world. It is insightful and innovative; Biblical and culturally relevant; and practical and powerful. A must read for every man of any age with a need and desire to move beyond our past into God's preferred future! Dr. Bob Bender, Pastor Emeritus, Cross Fellowship Church, Colorado Springs, CO Pastor Rolland discusses topics that all men deal with on a daily basis. With humility and honesty, he shares instances in scripture and in life where men of God are fall short, yet through our hope in Christ, we can have victory. With a pastor's heart, he desires to see God working and molding the hearts of Christian men. Mark Webb, Pastor, Grace Baptist Church, Killarney, Ireland Flawed to Fruitful is a profoundly uplifting book by Pastor Rolland Kenneson that delves into the unique struggles faced by men, offering a refreshing blend of biblical wisdom and practical insights. Grounded in a foundation of faith, readers will be guided through a transformative journey, emphasizing the redemptive power of God's love in the face of our imperfections. With a compassionate and relatable tone, he directly confronts the challenges commonly encountered by men, all the while guiding the reader through the hope and encouragement found in God's Word. The book's seamless integration of scriptural truths with practical, real-world application makes it a valuable resource for men. "Flawed to Fruitful" is a beacon of inspiration, reminding readers of the divine potential for transformation within every man's journey. Michael Salazar, Executive Pastor, Ramona Southern Baptist Church, Ramona, CA