Publisher's Synopsis
This workbook has been designed for use in the classroom whether in traditional, homeschool or virtual (e-learning) settings. Each puzzle contains eight words that have been carefully chosen and are recommended to work with your students on.At the 1st Grade level, words can be left to right, down, or diagonal, but we do not use backwards as an option. It's too confusing for many at this level.The solutions area in the back of the book and are meant for self-checking and/or parent/teacher checking, and of course, for those times when you look and look and still can't find the word!Because some of these words are only two or three letters, it is quite possible that some words will appear more than once within a puzzle. If you are giving points for each word located, consider bonus points for finding those duplicates. Also, it's very common that puzzles contain extra words that aren't on the list. It's a great way to give students that finish quickly something else to focus on.The 1st Grade book is a much easier puzzle grid to work with. Each letter has a box around it and the puzzle itself is 8 x 8 rows. As grade levels go up, so does the number of rows, and of course the words are grade level appropriate.The back of each page is deliberately blank so the students can focus using the same layout every week without fumbling with the book. While writing words or putting words in short sentences may be an option, we recommend using lined paper instead with the appropriately sized rows. One activity you might consider is having the students draw pictures of as many of the words as they can. You're creative, right? You'll figure something great to do with the back side of the pages.The pages are not perforated by design because many teachers have students turn in the entire book and some will not pass them back out until the following Monday when you are ready to introduce new words. This discourages students from working ahead.Don't want your students to be able to view the solutions at the back of the book? A few staples or some tape to bind those pages together will fix that, although most students enjoy being able to find the words without peeking at the answers, especially at younger ages.No separate Teachers' Edition is necessary with this workbook.