Publisher's Synopsis
In the book, "Finding Your Purpose In Life" author Vincent Santiago provides simple yet effective strategies and techniques to assist you in discovering who you are, your passions and life purpose. The author has created a shortcut and blueprint that can possibly shed years off the process of discovering who you are through practical application of the tips and strategies listed in this book. It is his desire to share with you the possibilities that can come when you discover your life's purpose.Why should you dig deep within yourself to discover your life's passion and purpose?Understanding who you are as well as discovering your life's mission has many benefits and it holds the master key to unlock infinite possibilities. It will give you a reason to get out of bed each morning and provides a compass to direct and guide your life for a better future. If you have been searching for a more purposeful and meaningful life, "Finding Your Purpose In Life" will definitely add tremendous value to you.The author has been there. In his book he states, "....discovering my life's purpose took a lot of soul searching. Throughout my life I wanted to become an professional painter, architect, football player, baseball player, forensic scientist, police detective, stock trader, watch designer, and the list goes on and on."If you have that nagging feeling or a list of thing you're passionate about but haven't quite narrowed it down to one thing yet, discovering your life's passion is the vehicle that will take you to new heights. You'll know exactly where you are going, you'll become more enthusiastic about your life experience and you'll positively effect those around you.Your life's purpose doesn't revolve around the activities you pursue, but it involves who you are and your character when doing them. It's about discovering who you are, growing into the person you were meant to be and simply being you when performing those activities.In this guide you will learn how to: Set a foundation to discover who you really are and what your passions are.Narrow your desires down to one thing so that you can concentrate all your energy into it.Apply a simple strategy to discover what others believe you're good at.Evaluate your passions and desires by asking yourself a few simple questions.Create effective To-Do Lists to keep you on track with your goals in life.Take action on your ideas with 4 proven steps Stay motivated and on track when embarking on this new journey. Don't put this off! Time is the most precious commodity. Do you want to truly discover who you are and fulfill your life's purpose? Do you want to find your passion? Then now is the time to make a resolution that will last for a lifetime. One choice can alter your life in a great and powerful way. It's your destiny to live a happy and fulfilled life and the author wants to see you achieve massive results starting today.Purchase your copy now!