Publisher's Synopsis
Kimberly grew up believing that international travel was not meant for black people. When taken, vacations meant visiting family and staying within the borders. Finding My Brave Space: A Black Girl's Tale of Wanderlust tells the story of an African-American woman, whose dream inspired her to buck tradition and ultimately led to her traveling to over sixty countries. Going against the expectations of her family, friends and community, she traveled the world finding her voice while coping - often very poorly - with the cancer that runs through her family. This unique memoir alternates between chapters about her first visit to each continent and chapters about her relationships with her family and community. Finding My Brave Space: A Black Girl's Tale of Wanderlust not only appeals to a wide range of travelers, and those yet to make the leap, but also to people who have been affected by illnesses in their family. This book is a compelling and often-unheard perspective of an African-American woman traveling to all seven continents; it will inspire you to find your brave space and live life to the fullest. Bravo! Kim has shared the magic and joy of international travel in a narrative designed to lure our black population into taking off and discovering the world...and themselves in the process. The how-to details emerge from the compelling personal story of a young black woman who refuses to play by the rules. Anyone, whatever the color, who has ever wondered what's "out there," will be swept into Kims' adventures and leave grateful to have been invited into her life. This book will change lives. Rita Golden Gelman, author, Tales of a Female Nomad, Living at Large in the World