Publisher's Synopsis
About Finding "IT"For the past seven years, I have volunteered with my local county drug court program, my county Veteran's Treatment program, and my county and neighboring county detention centers.In the winter of 2015, the program director for drug court came to me about a different type of support group. Too many people were relapsing, and she was concerned. She asked me to consider facilitating a relapse recovery group. I had led several different groups through the years, but I knew by the very nature of this group that it was probably going to be difficult. I have believed for MANY, many years working with addicts of all types, as well as looking back on my own personal storm, that not enough time was spent on the cause. is all about "Finding "IT"! I have learned over the years that "IT" comes in various shapes and sizes, and many of us have more than one "IT." This group could possibly be my biggest group challenge. I prayed and thought about my decision and agreed to try. I began the group in January 2016.I believe that something happens BEFORE we get high. I set out to help the participants look at the "IT" that controls their decisions. Once we found and recognized "IT," we could set up precautions for their future encounters. Twelve of the 14 participants haven't relapsed in over a year, AND they continued attending our group until I stepped away in May 2017. I considered them ALL to be "my kids." The bond we created was phenomenal! I am SO pleased with their success. I planted a seed of LOVE and they nourished it!I have selected these eight short stories to help suffering addicts and their love ones to search and recognize their personal "IT."I hope you will find these stories helpful and enjoyable.