Publisher's Synopsis
Within the pages of this easy-to-read book you will find a wealth of information about these Beautiful Birds with detailed instructions for keeping them as pets. You will learn about a wide variety of Finch species including the popular Zebra Finch, House Finch, Gouldian Finch, Red, Yellow, Purple, Green and Goldfinch.Finches are very social and friendly birds which make them a joy to watch and keep as pets. If you have ever thought about keeping finches or if you are just curious to learn more, then this book is perfect for you! Here is just some of what you will learn from this book: Finch Facts, History and typesWhat to Know Before you purchase any finches .i.e. Licencing and CostWhere to buy your Finches, How many to keep and What types to keep togetherFinches with other petsThe Pros & cons of FinchesCaring for Finches, Cage requirements, Feeding, Handling and Taming FinchesThe Breeding Process, Courtship And BehaviorRaising and Keeping your Finches healthy and preventing all common health problemsBy the time you finish this book you will be equipped with enough knowledge to know whether Finches are right for you and you will have the foundation you need to get started in owning and caring for these Wonderful Birds.