Publisher's Synopsis
Fidelio is Beethoven's only opera, and the composition he is said to have loved the most. Elizabeth Forbes introduces the background and composition of the opera, written and revised over the years when Europe was caught up in the Napoleonic campaigns. Basil Deane's musical commentary is the fruit of a life's study and devotion to the work. The last contribution is an extract from Ernest Newman's translation of Romain Rolland's classic study of Beethoven the Creator.
Contents: Introduction, Elizabeth Forbes; Fidelio: an operatic marriage, Basil Deane; Leonore: an extract from Romain Rolland's 'Beethoven the Creator', translated by Ernest Newman; Fidelio: Libretto after Bouilly by Sonnleithner, Breuning and Treitschke; Fidelio: Lyrics by Tom Hammond, Dialogue by Rodney Blumer