Publisher's Synopsis
In May 2007, the National Security Presidential Directive-51/Homeland Security Presidential Directive-20 (NSPD-51/HSPD-20) "National Continuity Policy" was issued by the President to provide and updated, integrated approach to maintain a national continuity capability in order to ensure the preservation of our form of Government under the Constitution and the continuing performance of National Essential Functions under all conditions. In August 2007, the "National Continuity Policy Implementation Plan" was issued by the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security to build upon the "Policy" and provide guidance to executive branch departments and agencies in identifying and carrying out their Primary Mission Essential Function that support the eight National Essential Functions - the most critical functions necessary to lead and sustain the Nation during catastrophic emergency. This Federal Continuity Directive (FCD) implements the requirements of Federal Continuity Directive 1, ANNEX C. It provides guidance and direction to Federal executive branch departments and agencies for identification of their Mission Essential Functions (MEFs) and potential Primary Mission Essential Functions (PMEFs). It includes guidance and checklists to assist departments and agencies in assessing their essential functions through a risk management process and in identifying potential PMEFs that support the National Essential Functions (NEFs) - the most critical functions necessary to lead and sustain the nation during a catastrophic emergency. The FCD provides direction on the formalized process for submission of a department's or agency's potential PMEFs that are supportive of the NEFs. It also includes guidance on the processes for conducting a Business Process Analysis (BPA) and Business Impact Analysis (BIA) for each of the potential PMEFs that assist in identifying essential function relationships and interdependencies, time sensitivities, threat and vulnerability analyses, and mitigation strategies that impact and support the PMEFs.