

Paperback (14 Mar 2012) | Chinese

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Publisher's Synopsis

Fear is like an invisible prison. It holds you captive, influencing your choices and perceptions about life, God, and other people. Can you imagine what your life would be like without fear? With so much going wrong in the world it can seem hard to picture. In Fearless, Max Lucado author of 3:16: The Numbers of Hope, and pastor of Oak Hills Church, shows you how life can be lived with confidence and joy, when you replace your fear with faith. Let this inspiring and timely message encourage your heart today! 你当刚强壮胆!不要惧怕,也不要惊惶,因为你无论往哪里去,耶和华你的神必与你同在。"(书1:9) 惧怕是信心的敌人。昔日,以色列人因惧怕高大威猛的敌人而退缩,只有约书亚和迦勒持定信心,成为那一代人中唯一进入应许之地的两个人。彼得曾靠着主的能力在海面行走,但忽然间,他看见风浪甚大,惧怕令他信心顿失、掉入水中。 今天,我们面对日益复杂的社会环境,天灾人祸不断的末世景象,该如何定睛于基督,成为信心的勇士,从而进入上帝要赐给我们的得胜、丰富、荣耀的应许之地呢? 在这本书里,我们可以查考《圣经》,看看耶稣对恐惧和害怕有哪些教导,看他如何鼓励我们在艰难的时光里刚强壮胆。对付恐惧病,唯一的抗体就是信靠。越信靠上帝,我们就越不害怕。这个应该多么令人安慰啊!

Book information

ISBN: 9787550106826
Publisher: Zdl Books
Imprint: Zdl Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 248.86
Language: Chinese
Number of pages: 252
Weight: 336g
Height: 210mm
Width: 148mm
Spine width: 14mm