Publisher's Synopsis
PreambuleSince the dawn of time and until today, politicians, science, philosophy, literature, arts and music, and so many other circles, have known from lived experiences and observed observations during the various adventures of their lives, draw certain conclusions which they expressed in the form of quotes or maxims. These quotes have been passed down from generation to generation, some of which have been erected into proverbs and nowadays constitute rules of behavior and conduct whose usefulness is beyond doubt. All of these instructive maxims can be developed and become the subject of school essay topics. They can also be put to good use in speeches or written articles to give more sparkle to the ideas developed, and to lead the listener or reader to grasp their meaning deeply.This is why we have thought to group together in this collection the countless proverbs and quotes that we have identified and classified by theme, while indicating their authors and their origins.Finally, I hope I have contributed with the content of this collection to the cultural enrichment of my kind readers.Amor Abbassi.