Publisher's Synopsis
"Henry Brown has crafted an action-packed romp that is both enjoyable and terrifying." - R.A. Mathis - Author of the Homeland series
A perfect storm is bearing down on the United States of America, combining nationwide financial devastation, conventional and nuclear terror, and military catastrophe. If you knew someone had the intent and capability to destroy your country, what would you do? Disillusioned veteran-turned-doomsday-prepper Joshua Rennenkampf discovers evidence of what might be a false flag attack in the making. Retired Tier One officer Dwight "Rocco" Cavarra is tipped off about a secret hit list of "potential domestic terrorists," through which he and his friends are targeted. Recently elected Sheriff Tommy Scarred Wolf has already lost his brother for the sin of poking his nose into government Black Ops, and now must decide whether a little more temporary tranquility for his family is worth the shock and awe to be wrought on the entire nation if he fails to take action. With harbingers of civil war and any number of other national cataclysms brewing, there will be no averting disaster if the false flag conspiracy turns out to be true. These men, who have put their lives on the line for their country so many times already, now have little choice but to treat the threat as real. And in the tumultuous political climate, their lives, fortunes and sacred honor will all be at risk. "Great rebirth of Rocco's Retreads. Could stand alone but you don't want to miss the first two. So go back and purchase Hell and Gone (one of the best military thrillers ever written) and then Tier Zero. You won't be disappointed." - Benjamin Drayton "If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams With this speculative dystopian novel, the Retreads Series turns the corner from military thriller to apocalyptic fiction. False Flag blazes a fiery trail where other political books fear to tread. Get your copy now!