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Fairies Hate Ponies

Fairies Hate Ponies - Xander and the Rainbow-Barfing Unicorns

Hardback (01 Jan 2019)

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Paperback (03 Jan 2019) $11.14

Publisher's Synopsis

Xander discovers a new magical creature - millions of them, actually! In this adventure, a swarm of insects threatens the Montgomery Orchard and twelve-year-old Xander's fruitful summer job. Luckily, the so-called bugs aren't actually bugs. Unluckily, they're miniature, unicorn-hating, insect fairies from the magical world of Pegasia! If Xander and his team of Rainbow-Barfing Unicorns can't rid the orchard of these no-good fairies, their secret will be blown quicker than a stomach-load of full-spectrum chunks. Plump-full of grotesquely delightful characters and fantastical realms, Xander and the Rainbow-Barfing Unicorns, from writer Matthew K. Manning (Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures) is so epic it'll make you wanna puke.

Book information

ISBN: 9781496578273
Publisher: Capstone
Imprint: Stone Arch Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 128
Weight: 295g
Height: 193mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 13mm