Facing the Wave

Facing the Wave

Hardback (30 Jul 2023)

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Paperback (30 Jul 2023) $19.43

Publisher's Synopsis

Jude comes from a family of surfers. He watches from shore as his mom, dad, and sister all have a blast in the water. However, Jude can't seem to get himself on the board. He's nervous about what might happen. With some encouragement from his dad, Jude decides to take a chance and ride the wave. In this uplifting story of perseverance, readers will realize the benefits of facing their fears and trying something new.

About the Publisher

Windmill Books

Book information

ISBN: 9781538394199
Publisher: Rosen Publishing Group, Inc
Imprint: Windmill Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 24
Weight: -1g
Height: 203mm
Width: 203mm
Spine width: 0mm