Facilitating Climate Change Responses

Facilitating Climate Change Responses A Report of Two Workshops on Knowledge from the Social and Behavioral Sciences

Book (27 Oct 2010)

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Publisher's Synopsis

"The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, understanding the need for policy makers at the national level to entrain the behavioral and social sciences in addressing the challenges of global climate change, called on the National Research Council to organize two workshops to showcase some of the decision-relevant contributions that these sciences have already made and can advance with future efforts. The workshops focused on two broad areas: (1) mitigation (behavioral elements of a strategy to reduce the net future human influence on climate) and (2) adaptation (behavioral and social determinants of societal capacity to minimize the damage from climate changes that are not avoided). Facilitating Climate Change Responses documents the information presented in the workshop presentations and discussions. This material illustrates some of the ways the behavioral and social sciences can contribute to. the new era of climate research.".

Book information

ISBN: 9780309160322
Publisher: National Academies Press
Imprint: National Academies Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 162
Weight: 294g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 19mm