Publisher's Synopsis
Bitter medications healing the souls who have resorted to Him, the Almighty Physician. Asking for your holy prayers, your unworthy novice and it's impossible for us to crown the gospel crown....IIITO THE NUN, WHOSE NAME IS HIDDEN BEHIND THE INITIALS OF N. D.NUMBER 1For many, the following is sufficient.Having risen from sleep, try that your first thought be about God and His blessings, which are poured out on you by God without your understanding and desire, by His only mercy. Especially with good deed, read that you are enlightened by the true Christian faith, in the bowels of the true Church; then start the rule like this: 20 bowings to the earth; with every bow a prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner."20 waist bows with the same prayer.10 bow of the earth; with every bow a prayer: "Blessed Lady of the Virgin, save me a sinner."10 waist bows with the same prayer.5 belts with a prayer: "To the guardian angel of God my holy one, pray to God for my sinner."5 belt with a prayer: "All Saints, pray to God for me sinning."Total 70 bows, of which 30 earthly and 40 belt. If you find that these obeisances are not enough for you, then you can add according to your strength a few obeisances with Jesus prayer. But the rule must be proportioned so that it is the same every day. The Saints said: "It is better to do a little work, but permanent than more, but soon ceasing."After that, morning prayers are read and, if you want, a commemoration which you like for special reasons; after the commemoration, read the Gospel, chapters two or three. When you read about the blind, the lame, the lepers, the raging, the dead, then think that you are like them, and pray the Savior to save you. Then your ordinary activities should follow with fear of God, prayer, useful thoughts and memories. For reading I approve the book: "Les saints peres des deserts de L'Orient". But this book should be read with moderation. I advise you to learn to read in Russian and Slavic languages, to read books of the Holy Fathers. If for the needs of the coming world you are accustomed to different foreign languages, - why not work hard and learn to speak the native language for Christ and for the good of his soul? - Start reading in Russian and Slavic - although the gospel.If during the day a free hour falls out, then you can repeat the rule with bows or just put 20 bows to the ground and 20 waist ones with the Jesus prayer. If there is no free time, then leave the rule and remain peaceful.In the evening, she should begin again with the bows in the above order and number, after them read evening prayers and Gospel. The woman who lay down on the bed should remember death, of which the image is a temporary dream, and, having renounced all thoughts and dreams, fall asleep with Jesus prayer.If you want to go the true way of God and see the spiritual fruit in your soul, then be content with the humble and simple way of spiritual achievement. Do not seek pleasure in the delights of daydreaming excited by foreign writers. Renounce them. Soon you will be convinced of the strength of your path with the peace of mind and tranquility that will spill into your heart. In the Desert Fathers of the East, you will see that the Gospel and the Psalter were for the most part their only books. "Christ," said one of them, "is hidden in the Gospel, who wants to find Christ, can find Him in the Gospel. Christ is God's Power and God's Wisdom." Whoever finds God's Wisdom needs human wisdom? Do not demean the Wisdom of God for the fact that her appearance is so simple and humble. Leave, leave, I repeat to you, all foreign prayers and readings, which you liked so much seemed so beautiful. ... Remember the words of Christ: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.