Publisher's Synopsis
Travelogues illuminate for others the places and experiences encountered by travelers, in this case the authors and others associated with the ministry of Aslan's Place. The destinations illustrated here do not represent an exhaustive account of each one; nor do they deal with everywhere the Lord has taken us, for there remains a multitude of yet-to-be-revealed heavenly realms and kingdoms and assorted dimensional spaces. To put it in perspective, consider the fact that one lifetime is insufficient for even the most seasoned international traveler to explore every city in every country of the world, let alone all of their attractions and outlying areas. Then, magnify the farthest reaches from those earthly locales by millions, or even billions, and a tiny glimmer of the immensity of God's spiritual creation may be seen. The vast majority of our excursions into undiscovered territories will occur throughout eternity, so this travelogue is simply an appetizer, meant to make the reader hungry for more.