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Paperback (23 May 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Leaving home was hard. Returning is impossible.

Fiadh's life is turned completely upside down on a night out in Belfast. Pretty soon everyone has heard about what happened; it is impossible to keep the rumours from spreading, the gossip from spiralling out of control. And just as she was beginning to finally figure everything out: she was feeling positive about her move to Liverpool, she was starting to get on top of her uni work and had made some new friends. Now her life is in freefall and Fiadh is helpless to do anything about it.

She starts missing assignment deadlines, stops turning up to class and doesn't respond to any of her friends' messages. Her nights revolve around random hook ups, fuelled by drink and drugs. Without the tightknit group of friends she left behind at home or the support of the new friends she has made in Liverpool, Fiadh's life quickly descends into chaos, a chaos that nearly costs her everything.

Book information

ISBN: 9781399815864
Publisher: John Murray Press
Imprint: John Murray
Pub date:
Edition: C format
DEWEY: 823.92
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 256
Weight: 322g
Height: 232mm
Width: 154mm
Spine width: 22mm