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Exegesis on Macma' Al-Bahreyn

Exegesis on Macma' Al-Bahreyn Muhammad Ibn Yunus Al-Ayasuluki, Known as Ibn Qadi Ayasuluki (D. 831-850 AH / 1427-1446 AD)

Volume 1 ed.

Paperback (09 May 2024) | Arabic

  • $178.50
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Publisher's Synopsis

In this study, the work of the Hanafi jurist Ibnü's-Sââtî (d. 694/1295), which is one of the four basic books called "mütûn-i erbaa" in the sectarian literature, is explained in detail.

Book information

ISBN: 9781463246945
Publisher: Gorgias Press
Imprint: Fcr
Pub date:
Edition: Volume 1 ed.
Language: Arabic
Number of pages: 556
Weight: 953g
Height: 254mm
Width: 178mm
Spine width: 29mm