Publisher's Synopsis
National Learning Association presents: FIERCE ANIMALS
Are your children curious about Fierce Animals? Would they like to know where Polar bears live? Have they learnt where wolverines are found or what Tasmanian devils do when threatened? Inside this book, your children will begin a journey that will satisfy their curiosity by answering questions like these and many more!
EVERYTHING YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT: FIERCE ANIMALS will allow your child to learn more about the wonderful world in which we live, with a fun and engaging approach that will light a fire in their imagination.We're raising our children in an era where attention spans are continuously decreasing. National Learning Association provides a fun, and interactive way of keep your children engaged and looking forward to learn, with beautiful pictures, coupled with the amazing, fun facts.
Get your kids learning today! Pick up your copy of National Learning Association EVERYTHING YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT: FIERCE ANIMALS book now! Table of Contents Chapter 1- How Do Killer Bees Come Into Being? Chapter 2- How Do Honey Badgers See Off Predators? Chapter 3- How Much Do Saltwater Crocodiles Weigh? Chapter 4- How Many People Do Cape Buffaloes Kill Every Year? Chapter 5- How Fast is the Black Mamba? Chapter 6- What is the Bull Shark Also Know As? Chapter 7- Where Do Polar Bears Live? Chapter 8- What Do Hyenas Hunt? Chapter 9- What Do Lions Hunt? Chapter 10- How Long are Brown Bears' Claws? Chapter 11- How Do Tigers Hunt? Chapter 12- Where Can You Find Saltwater Crocodiles? Chapter 13- What is the Scientific Name of the Great White Shark? Chapter 14- Why is the Black Rhinoceros Endangered? Chapter 15- How Fast Can Hippopotamuses Run? Chapter 16- How Do Cassowaries Attack? Chapter 17- Where are Wolverines Found? Chapter 18- What Do Tasmanian Devils Do When They Feel Threatened? Chapter 19- How Do Wild Boars Differ from Other Pigs? Chapter 20- Why Do Leopards Take Their Preys Into Trees to Eat?