Publisher's Synopsis
Are your children curious about Monkeys? Would they like to know where monkeys are found? Have they learnt how flexible their hands and feet are or how the monkeys communicate? Inside this book, your children will begin a journey that will satisfy their curiosity by answering questions like these and many more!
EVERYTHING YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT: MONKEYS will allow your child to learn more about the wonderful world in which we live, with a fun and engaging approach that will light a fire in their imagination.We're raising our children in an era where attention spans are continuously decreasing. National Learning Association provides a fun, and interactive way of keep your children engaged and looking forward to learn, with beautiful pictures, coupled with the amazing, fun facts.
Get your kids learning today! Pick up your copy of National Learning Association EVERYTHING YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT: MONKEYS book now! Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1- Where are Monkeys Found? Chapter 2- Differences Between Old World and New World Monkeys Chapter 3- How Did They Get Their Name? Chapter 4- How Big are Monkeys? Chapter 5- Are All Monkeys the Same Color? Chapter 6- Can Some Monkeys Really Swing from Place to Place? Chapter 7- How Flexible are Their Hands and Feet? Chapter 8- Where Do Monkeys Like to Live? Chapter 9- Do Monkeys Have Good Eyesight? Chapter 10- Can Monkeys Hear Well? Chapter 11- Is a Monkey's Sense of Touch Important? Chapter 12- What Do Monkeys Like to Eat? Chapter 13- Are Monkeys Social? Chapter 14- How Do Monkeys Communicate? Chapter 15- How Often Do Monkeys Mate? Chapter 16- How Long Does it Take for the Baby to be Born? Chapter 17- Do All Baby Monkeys Look Different from Their Parents? Chapter 18- Can Monkeys Swim? Chapter 19- Are Monkeys Endangered?