Publisher's Synopsis
You are holding an intimately personal art project. Please treat this, the world, and yourself with care when interacting.
100% of people on this Earth are human. Though this may sound obvious, why do we not treat ourselves as such?
In Everything I Leave Behind For You, author Emily Her offers a raw, uncut, and vulnerable reflection into the thoughts and conversations of a lifetime ravaged by mental disorders. Intersections of self-awareness, mental health and doubtful hope untangle the knots. Her's personal and intimate writing encourages everyone to reflect internally, granting the space to find ourselves.
How do we understand our places in a complicated world if we never explore the depths of our own human experiences? Through Emily's words, we learn that we are all a little bit lost.
Everything I Leave Behind For You is an open conversation from someone who spends too much time in their head. Her dedicates herself to making this world a better place through vulnerability - it is a letter to each of us: the burnt out working professional, the over-pressured student, the concerned parents. This book is a hopeful yet fragile attempt to sit down and untangle the noise. An attempt with heroic hope. And perhaps, the honest attempt is all we need.