Publisher's Synopsis
The novel, Ester's Child, opens on January 7, 1948. The momentous declaration of the new State of Israel is only four months away and Muslim and Jewish forces are fighting fiercely over an ancient land they are prepared to die for. On this day, two events occur which irreversibly alter the lives of three families forever.THE Gale Family: Joseph and Ester Gale lost most of their family members to the holocaust that destroyed Europe's once vibrant Jewish communities. Now lonely holocaust survivors living in Palestine and fighting for the dream of a Jewish state, the young couple are anxiously awaiting the birth of their third child.THE Antoun Family: During the heated battle for the hillside city of Haifa, Palestine, George and Mary Antoun are forced to flee the only home they have ever known. Not allowed to return home even at war's end the Palestinian couple are forced to raise their extraordinary son, Demetrius, in the Shatila refugee camp in Beruit, Lebanon.THE Kleist Family: Even as the Arabs and Jews collide in their struggle for control of Palestine former S.S. officer Friedrich Kleist's life is fueled by haunting nightmares of the atrocities he witnessed while serving as a German guard in the Warsaw Ghetto. When his daughter Christine travels to Beiruit to volunteet as a nurse at Shatila Camp, she falls in love with Demetrius Antoun. This love leads Christine to a remarkable story that happened in Poland a generation ago.When these three families are united in a searing drama you will never forget, readers are taken on an emotional roller-coaster ride of tradgedy, hope, and ultimate renewal. The exceptional medley of dazzling story-telling historical purity and exhilarating adventure that Jean Sasson captures in this memorable epic make Ester's Child impossible to put down.