Publisher's Synopsis
All Life and Death Matters resources were created by Kath Murray, a veteran hospice and palliative care nurse, and are designed to:
- Meet national competencies and learning outcomes related to hospice and palliative care and end-of-life care
- Enhance best practice interactions
- Increase caregiver confidence and competence in caring for the dying person and family
- Decrease caregiver fears and concerns
- Increase caregiver ability to respond to challenging issues
- Help instructors and students provide excellent care for the dying person and their family
The book provides information on:
- Understanding the dying process
- Integrating a palliative approach
- Preparing to care
- Using standardized tools
- Enhancing physical comfort
- Principles and practices of hospice and palliative care
- The process of providing care
- Pain and symptom management
- Providing psychosocial care
- Palliative care and physician assisted dying
- Caring in the last days and hours
- Caring for you, the caregiver!