Publisher's Synopsis
1. A Celebrated Writer 2. A Brief Life-Sketch 3. The Making of a Writer 4. Hemingway's Literary Credo The Aesthetics of Truthful Writing Things Not Immediately Discernible Trying for Something beyond Attainment 5. Hemingway's Contrapuntal Theme In Our Time The Sun Also Rises A Farewell to Arms To Have and Have Not For Whom the Bell Tolls Across the River and into the Trees The Old Man and the Sea 6. A Brief Summary of The Old Man and the Sea 7. Dynamics of Narration 8. The Iceberg Romance, Myth and Ritual Religious Symbolism Psychological Symbolism Other Forms of Symbolism: Objective and Dramatic Correlatives 9. A Prose That Has Never Been Written The Cult of Simplicity The Technique of Repetition The Two Styles The Extra Dimensions 10. Characterization Santiago A Note on Santiago's Heroism Santiago and the Marlin Santiago's Dreams and Daydreams Santiago and Manolin The Marlin Other Denizens of the Sea: Birds and Beasts The Sharks The Sea DiMaggio The Tourists at the Terrace 11. Critical Reception 12. A Note on the Conclusion of The Old Man and the Sea 13. The Manuscripts of the Novella The First Draft of The Old Man and the Sea The Magic Box 14. The Old Man and the Sea on the Screen 15. Conclusion Select Bibliography Index.