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Environmental Decision Making and Risk Management

Environmental Decision Making and Risk Management Selected Essays

Hardback (15 Jul 2004)

  • $182.87
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Publisher's Synopsis

This memorial collection of papers authored and co-authored by Ian Langford represents some of the most thoughtful and innovative contributions to the literature regarding the holistic analysis of environmental and health risk issues. It provides important foundations for the development of a mixed methodological approach to addressing such issues. These carefully chosen papers span a number of disciplines, including statistics, environmental risk analysis, human geography and economics and represent the diversity, innovation and analytical rigour of Ian Langford's writing.

Book information

ISBN: 9781843767985
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
Imprint: Edward Elgar Publishing
Pub date:
DEWEY: 333.7
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 307
Weight: 635g
Height: 240mm
Width: 158mm
Spine width: 25mm