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Enter Sir Robert

Enter Sir Robert - The Barsetshire Novels

Paperback (14 Jan 2025)

  • $30.53
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Publisher's Synopsis

The missing lord of the manor looms large in this quirky novel by an author who offers "a fresh, original, witty interpretation of England's social history" (The New York Times).

Lady Graham is anticipating the long-awaited appearance of Sir Robert, finally retiring from his glorious military career and globetrotting adventures a decade after the end of World War II. In the meantime, life at Holdings goes on and Lady Graham's youngest, eighteen-year-old Edith, has her pick of suitors. It is unclear, however, if she will make up her mind about them any time soon-and if she will exit Holdings before her father enters . . .

"Where Trollope would have been content to arouse a chuckle, [Thirkell] is constantly provoking us to hilarious laughter. . . . To read her is to get the feeling of knowing Barsetshire folk as well as if one had been born and bred in the county." -Kirkus Reviews

Book information

ISBN: 9781504092821
Publisher: Open Road Integrated Media, Inc.
Imprint: Open Road Media
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 300
Weight: -1g
Height: 204mm
Width: 134mm
Spine width: 26mm